To borrow a phrase made popular by Satya Nadella, I’ve decided to ‘Hit Refresh’ on my blog and start fresh. A lot has changed since I started blogging back on July 16, 2003 and after a bit of break I’m looking forward to a fresh start, writing about my current interests. Over time I may try to pull back some old posts that are still of interest, but until then we shall only look ahead.
As I sit here on the first day of 2019 I’m looking forward to the year ahead and all the opportunities it has to offer. Without getting into a lengthy ramble on new years resolutions, I would like to share my 2019 goal of making more.

Now when I say ‘making more’, I mean it in the context of building things. From my early days of playing with LEGO and model railroads, I have always enjoyed the satisfaction of creating, taking an idea and turning it into something tangible. I want 2019 to include as much making as I can possibly squeeze in. From software, to 3D printing, electronics to wood working, I am going to create as much as I can, in most cases learning something new along the way.
I hope you will join me. Welcome to 2019.